At the age of 64, Chandrasothy (Chandra) faced significant challenges on her path to finding employment. With muscular-skeletal issues, a language barrier, and eight years unemployed, she struggled to find work in the job market.
Approaching OCTEC
In late 2020, her journey took a positive turn when she reached out to OCTEC Disability Employment Services (DES) in Hampton Park, Melbourne’s southeast. There, she connected with consultant Asanthi Bulathsinghalage (Asa), who immediately recognised Chandra’s enthusiasm and culinary skills, even though she lacked relevant work experience.
Asa helped Chandra build her résumé, arranged mock interviews to boost her confidence, and coordinated volunteer work for her to gain valuable experience. When Chandra felt ready, Asa accompanied her to local hospitality businesses to promote her in person.
However, the road to employment was not without setbacks. At the beginning of 2021, Chandra started a job but quickly discovered it was not the right fit. Faced with multiple rejections, Chandra often felt discouraged due to her age and language barriers. But Asa remained a source of support, encouraging Chandra to stay positive and view each experience as a stepping stone.
Their perseverance paid off when they visited MDK Restaurant to meet the owner. During the meeting, Chandra captivated the team with her knowledge and passion for cooking. Asa also presented a Biz Support package that included a wage subsidy and covered the costs of workwear, making it easier for the employer to take her on
After two interviews, Chandra received an offer for a kitchenhand position at the restaurant. She has since thrived, becoming a reliable and valued team member.
Chandra is grateful for OCTEC’s support, including the work-related clothing and transportation assistance after her placement.
Deepal, the restaurant owner, echoed Chandra’s sentiments, praising her reliability and initiative.
“Mrs. Chandra has demonstrated exceptional qualities and has been a fantastic addition to our team. We are grateful for Asanthi’s support and hope to collaborate again in the future,” said Deepal.
If you live with a disability, illness, or injury and are looking for work, please feel free to reach out to your local employment specialists for assistance.