Ebonee struggled with mental health barriers and personal trauma experience. She had a limited education after leaving school in Year 8. However, she possessed some hospitality experience.
Approaching OCTEC
Looking to find meaningful employment, Ebonee came to OCTEC Transition to Work (TtW) Parkes. Consultant, Telisha Phillips, began working with Ebonee to understand her barriers and strengths.
She found Ebonee to be a friendly and engaging person, qualities that would suit serving customers. Telisha assisted Ebonee to improve her résumé, as well as providing personal coaching and encouragement.

Securing the ideal job
When a service attendant vacancy came up at Parkes Services Club, Telisha encouraged Ebonee to apply. Through the tailored pre-employment support, she was successful in securing the job.
OCTEC also provided assistance including access to relevant training courses, licensing, and the purchase of work wear.
Two months into her new role, Ebonee’s employer had nothing but compliments about her performance.
“Ebonee has been with us at the club for two months now, and she has exceeded all expectations. She is a great listener, a fast learner, and is willing to give anything a go. She is kind and courteous to patrons, which really upholds our beliefs and standards at the Club. It is a pleasure to have Ebonee as a part of our team, and it is a pleasure to work with OCTEC.”
General Manager, Parkes Services Club
Aged 15 to 24 and not in employment or education? Contact OCTEC Transition to Work (TtW) today! Our team is ready to help you gain skills, explore job opportunities, and connect with educational programs.