From isolation to empowerment: Bryn’s journey from caregiver to community security guard

Meet Bryn.

Bryn has an intriguing employment background, having been in the British Army and working in pathology as a test collector and driver, both having their own challenges and rewards.

Bryn has a warm and friendly personality, always loves to offer assistance to others and has a dry wit that many people that know him love.

Bryn unfortunately had to leave full time employment to look after his elderly father whose health was declining. Bryn was glad that he could be there for his father but with hardly any social interaction, Bryn was suffering from depression, anxiety and his overall mental health was deteriorating.

Upon his Fathers passing, Bryn became lost and quite alone. The effects of being out of employment for so long were that Bryn had become socially isolated, lacking confidence with no social circle or Family to assist him. He had no one he was able to talk to about his situation, and was not interested in seeking professional help.

It was at this time that Bryn was referred to OCTEC in Woy Woy.

Bryn, was always an active job seeker, making many applications to some quite interesting roles, such as working as a cook at an Antarctic research post and building village’s in the Amazon for example.

Bryn and his OCTEC consultant Matt, struggled to gain interviews which was not helping to develop Bryn’s self-confidence. However Bryn came to the office daily, attracted by Matt’s quality plunger coffee and the attempts to help rebuild his confidence.

Both Bryn and Matt looked at many different employment options. Matt made a comment that Bryn’s warm personality and eagerness to assist others could see him thriving in a people related role. Being ex-Army also, they thought security work would be a great fit.

Matt enrolled Bryn into a 3 day security course that OCTEC funded, which he successfully completed and gained the required licenses.

Bryn started casual Saturday night work at an infamous Toukley establishment. Bryn enjoyed working again but his preferred time of working was during the day.

Matt contacted Owl Security in Gosford and they were looking for a security guard to look after Kibble Park in Gosford during the day.

Bryn received an interview and was offered a trial with Owl Security. In very quick succession, Bryn was offered the position and has been employed ever since.

Bryn loves his job and the people he interacts with every day which has seen his confidence increase greatly. Bryn now feels he has regained his drive and loves being a part of the community.

The general public seem to like his quirky English manner and warm personality asking things like, “Do you know the Queen?” – of course he always says yes.

Helping Bryn is one success story our consultant Matt will always remember.


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