We provide training, employment and support people in need.

Our Purpose

about icons assist

Assist people

To develop and manage projects that assist people to acquire and improve their ability to seek, obtain and retain employment.
about icons research

Research and Development

To research, initiate and develop programs that provide support services for local people, in particular young or otherwise disadvantaged people.
about icons enhance

Enhance Capacity

To seek support in the community to assist people to develop their capacity for obtaining and retaining employment and to become more self-reliant and better skilled during periods of unemployment.
about icons provide

Provide Opportunities

To provide services and programs which address and relieve poverty, sickness, distress, misfortune, destitution or helplessness.
about icons address

Address Disadvantage

To provide services and programs which address and relieve poverty, sickness, distress, misfortune, destitution or helplessness.

Our Mission

Providing individuals with training and employment opportunities, assisting industry recruit and develop skilled workforces, and contributing to communities becoming more sustainable.


Year In Reviews


Our success stories

OCTEC Limited is proudly supporting the LGBTQIA+ community with a $10,000 donation to bolster the Rainbow Festival in Orange.
Lee is more independent in this role. He has received very good feedback for his commitment and reliability.
After battling mental and physical health barriers, Elizabeth found a perfect job and reignited her aim to become a published author.